Wild at Life E.V. Rhinoceros Conservation and Rescue Mission

Safeguarding Rhinos through Conservation Efforts

Article and Images: Aslihan Gedik; Founding Chairman and Chief Conservation Officer

A rhinoceros is a large herbivorous mammal known for its thick skin and one or more horns on its snout. There are five species: Black, White, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran.

The trafficking of animals is a serious global issue, and unfortunately, rhinos fall in the top five list of most trafficked animals. The plight of rhinos is mainly due to poaching for their horns, which are highly valued in some traditional medicine practices. Despite a lack of scientific evidence, there is a belief that rhino horns can cure various ailments, including fevers and cancers. Rhino horns are also sometimes used as status symbols or for ornamental purposes. This has led to a significant decline in rhino populations, making them endangered. Conservation efforts, including anti-poaching measures and habitat protection, are crucial for their survival. Rhino protection and conservation efforts can be dangerous due to various factors. Conservationists and anti-poaching patrols may encounter armed poachers, leading to confrontations. Additionally, the vast areas where rhinos live can also present challenges. Harsh terrain, unpredictable wildlife, and sometimes-political instability in the regions can complicate efforts.

Despite these challenges, international Ngo, with Head Office in Frankfurt Germany, Wild at Life e.V., works to implement effective strategies and prioritize the safety of those involved in protecting rhinos. The NGO work is concentrated on community led conservation.

Wild at Life e.V. was able to set up a base station, AI collaring, trimming the horns and taking vital blood/plasma of rhinos for vital conservation of the species.

This is the latest technology and compared to GPS collars, is lighter, non invasive and functions over a longer period of time. The rhinos can be tracked via our smart phones! Collaring is of paramount importance. It

  • combats anti-poaching efforts by helping conservationists monitor the movement of rhinos in real-time. This information is crucial for identifying and responding to potential poaching threats, allowing for quicker intervention to protect the rhinos.
  • provides valuable data on rhino behaviour, migration patterns, and habitat use. This information helps conservationists develop effective strategies for habitat protection, management, and anti-poaching efforts.
  • contributes to population management by helping conservationists understand the demographics of rhino populations, including birth rates, mortality rates, and population distribution. This information is essential for making informed conservation decisions.

To combat this threat and conserve the species, we deployed cutting-edge, non-invasive AI-powered tracking devices. These devices allow us to monitor their movement within the reserve, enhancing our ability to protect them. These advanced devices are more than just tracking tools, they are equipped to learn each rhino’s unique behaviour. This means they not only facilitate swift location by dedicated rangers, but also possess the capability to alert them by abnormal movements, enhancing anti-poaching measures.

During this mission, we also collected vital plasma samples from the rhinos, continuing our pioneering work in collecting plasma. These samples serve as a potential lifeline for future survivors of poaching, as the plasma can be used to rescue another rhino in distress. This initiative is key to our efforts in creating a reserve of plasma to support orphan Rhinos, aiding their development in the absence of their mother’s colostrums. This work is not just about saving lives; it is about ensuring the future of the species. In the event that one rhino suffers severe injuries from poaching, the transfusion of blood or plasma from a healthy rhino could prove instrumental in its recovery. This ground-breaking initiative not only exemplifies our dedication to finding novel solutions but also underscores the interconnectedness of these remarkable animals. For instance, we are considering the potential of blood and plasma transfusions between rhinos. In the event that one rhino suffers severe injuries from poaching, the transfusion of blood or plasma from a healthy rhino could prove instrumental in its recovery. This ground-breaking initiative not only exemplifies our dedication to finding novel solutions but also underscores the interconnectedness of these remarkable animals.

Ethically and professionally, we trimmed the rhinos’ horns in collaboration with the National Park authorities. This procedure, much like trimming nails or hair, is non-invasive and pain-free. By reducing the length of their horns, we decrease their attractiveness to poachers, thus increasing their chances of survival in the wild. This proactive step is crucial in our fight against poaching, ensuring the safety and well-being of these magnificent creatures.

The combination of deploying advanced tracking technology, collecting vital plasma samples, and trimming their horns has significantly contributed to the safety and conservation of these magnificent creatures. We are proud to report that this is a non-invasive approach that has proven effective in protecting rhinos from the threat of poaching. And SURPRISE: right after our vital mission, a baby has been born in the crash of rhinos. He is safely growing up alongside her mother (with AI collar and trimmed horn)

Asli Han Gedik, Chief Conservation Officer of Wild at Life sys: “In our unwavering commitment to the conservation of rhinoceros populations, Wild at Life e.V. is constantly exploring innovative approaches to rescue and protect these magnificent creatures”

Latest news and reports shows nearly 500 rhinos killed as poaching increases in South Africa., up 11% from the year before. We are needed on ground to continue to safeguard and secure the future of the species.

As we confront the escalating challenges in rhino conservation, your contribution of however much can make a significant impact, serving as a lifeline for these endangered species. We urgently appeal to your generosity and commitment to wildlife preservation, to join hands with us in safeguarding the future of rhinoceros populations.

For donation


our website for link: www.wildatlife.org

also our insta page is:https://www.instagram.com/wild_at_life/

As we reflect on these recent missions, we are reminded of the ongoing need for support. Rhinos still face grave dangers, and our resources are stretched thin.

Together, let’s ensure that wildlife remains wild and that rhinos have the chance to thrive. Your contribution can make a significant difference in their survival and every single one counts to conserve rhinos in the wild the following months, with our local partners. Thank you for standing with us in this important mission.

Wild at Life e.V.

www.wildatlife.org Detailed visuals of the mission can be found: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/6bgz31thci2xexy53ej55/h?rlkey=4taii00unrnx1t7dgbitdshyw&dl=0

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