Advertise in NZiRA Travel Magazine


For companies looking to reach people with a confirmed, strong interest in Zimbabwe, NZiRA Travel Magazine has a unique offering.

Our readers are passionate about Zimbabwe, are frequent travellers and are actively planning a trip. A 2020 survey showed that 97% of readers live in source markets outside Zimbabwe (90% in Australia, The UK and America). 87% of them are planning to visit in the next two years and 90% say they will spend the same or more on their trip than they did pre-Covid.

NZiRA Travel Magazine is the only print magazine dedicated to Zimbabwean travel. In an age where we are bombarded with digital messages fighting for our attention on a screen (and gone in seconds), NZiRA Travel Magazine offers readers a unique opportunity to get away from a screen, from the digital noise, and to absorb themselves in our content, to make new discoveries, and learn about places and companies they might not have heard about.

They read the magazine cover to cover, including the ads, spending time and returning to it later.

With NZiRA Travel Magazine you can reach thousands of people with a confirmed commitment to travelling to Zimbabwe. These are people most likely to return as quickly as possible. Would you want them to know about your company?

We appreciate print is one of a multitude of ways you can reach potential customers, but we believe it is increasingly appealing and effective. It captures attention like no other platform, feeding into your other sales channels. We also know that marketing budgets have been hammered by Covid. We aim to work closely with all our advertising partners to find the most cost-effective long-term impact from your campaign. It’s about building long-term relationships that work for everyone. Many of our advertising partners have been with us for many years – some more than 20 years.

If you’d like to chat about how we can work together, email

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