Mana Pools

3 kids and a coffee machine. Family of 5 doing over 6000km around Zimbabwe. 

Article and images – Cath Conradie After years of covetously watching over-landers on YouTube, in November 2022 we suddenly found ourselves between jobs and with a couple of weeks spare to do some travelling of our own. It was the perfect chance to show our children, aged 8, 6 and 2, around our beautiful country

3 kids and a coffee machine. Family of 5 doing over 6000km around Zimbabwe.  Read More »


by Mike Garden There are places around the world where, when you turn a corner or reach a given location, your long weekend is suddenly transformed. Your concerns about work and the office are shelved and immediately replaced with holiday vibes. That is the feeling that grips one as you reach the foot of the

Camp MANA Read More »

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